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release 0.3.0

a.k.a. the Puppeteer release

* most prominent feature is support for the puppeteer backend of CodeceptJS (yay to all people involved over the past months \o/)
* stability improvements for helpers own test suite.
    Still a little shaky, sometimes but a huge step forward.
* fix injection of helper methods into `I` object. Sometimes CodeceptJS did not pick up the correct method and used the default implementation
    instead of a custom one.
* mobile support Puppeteer (tap and emulation) (thanks @greg.hill)
* add cryptoAction parameter to I.haveFile to allow for Guard uploads (thanks @greg.hill)
* Introduce grabAxeReport helper for webdriverio and puppeteer (has been living and used in App Suite project for quite a while)
* improvements to clickToolbar helper (thanks @maik.schaefer)
* fix clickToolbar after app change
* improve selectFolder helper (thanks @maik.schaefer and @anne.matthes)
* allow to pass arbitrary user fields to users.create (thanks @anne.matthes)