diff --git a/src/cache.js b/src/cache.js
index 4da5246161acc9e2e71a4c5a00ad300e0ffeb853..9deb51b83d5d651dfc1ee1a4a19cfcc8dab96a67 100644
--- a/src/cache.js
+++ b/src/cache.js
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
+import { createWritable } from './files.js'
 import { logger } from './logger.js'
 import * as redis from './redis.js'
+import { getRedisKey } from './util.js'
+import { Gauge } from 'prom-client'
 const cache = {}
+export const fileCacheSizeGauge = new Gauge({
+  name: 'file_cache_size',
+  help: 'Number of entries in file cache'
 export function set (key, value) {
   logger.debug(`[Cache] Set ${key}`)
   if (cache[key] === value) return
@@ -16,6 +24,7 @@ export async function clear () {
   for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cache)) {
     delete cache[prop]
+  fileCacheSizeGauge.reset()
 export function get (key, fallback) {
@@ -51,4 +60,53 @@ export function get (key, fallback) {
   return promise
-export function getCache () { return cache }
+export function getFile ({ name, version }, fallback) {
+  const key = getRedisKey({ version, name })
+  // try to get the file synchronously.
+  const data = cache[key]
+  if (data) {
+    logger.debug(`[Cache] Resolve file from memory: ${key}`)
+    return data
+  }
+  // if synchronously does not work, store the async promise for further requests
+  const promise = (async () => {
+    const bodyKey = getRedisKey({ version, name: `${name}:body` })
+    const metaKey = getRedisKey({ version, name: `${name}:meta` })
+    if (redis.isEnabled()) {
+      const [body, meta = '{}'] = await Promise.all([
+        redis.client.getBuffer(bodyKey),
+        redis.client.get(metaKey)
+      ])
+      if (body) {
+        logger.debug(`[Cache] Resolve file from redis: ${key}`)
+        fileCacheSizeGauge.inc()
+        return (cache[key] = { body, ...JSON.parse(meta) })
+      }
+    }
+    const dataFromServer = await fallback({ version, name }).catch(err => {
+      if (err.status !== 404) delete cache[key]
+      throw err
+    })
+    if (redis.isEnabled()) {
+      logger.debug(`[Cache] Store file in redis: ${key}`)
+      const { body, ...rest } = dataFromServer
+      redis.client.set(bodyKey, createWritable(body))
+      redis.client.set(metaKey, JSON.stringify(rest))
+    }
+    // overwrite cache with synchronous data
+    logger.debug(`[Cache] Store file in memory: ${key}`)
+    fileCacheSizeGauge.inc()
+    return (cache[key] = dataFromServer)
+  })()
+  // temporary set to promise
+  cache[key] = promise
+  return promise
diff --git a/src/files.js b/src/files.js
index cc9703c909242e077a874aa2b6c87a8153b9185d..7fbdfb91e0d7cfe3e16718180174a55fed750045 100644
--- a/src/files.js
+++ b/src/files.js
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 import { configMap } from './configMap.js'
-import { getRedisKey, isJSFile } from './util.js'
+import { isJSFile } from './util.js'
 import { getCSSDependenciesFor, getViteManifests } from './manifests.js'
 import * as cache from './cache.js'
 import { logger } from './logger.js'
 import { NotFoundError } from './errors.js'
-import * as redis from './redis.js'
 import zlib from 'node:zlib'
 import { promisify } from 'node:util'
-import { Gauge } from 'prom-client'
 const gzip = promisify(zlib.gzip)
@@ -15,11 +13,6 @@ const compressFileSize = Number(process.env.COMPRESS_FILE_SIZE)
 const compressionMimeTypes = (process.env.COMPRESS_FILE_TYPES || '').replace(/([.+*?^$()[\]{}|])/g, '\\$1').split(' ')
 const compressionWhitelistRegex = new RegExp(`^(${compressionMimeTypes.join('|')})($|;)`, 'i')
-export const fileCacheSizeGauge = new Gauge({
-  name: 'file_cache_size',
-  help: 'Number of entries in file cache'
 export function createWritable (body) {
   if (typeof body !== 'string' && !(body instanceof Buffer)) return JSON.stringify(body)
   return body
@@ -81,51 +74,7 @@ export async function fetchFileWithHeaders ({ path, version }) {
 export function getFile ({ version, path }) {
-  const key = getRedisKey({ version, name: `${path}` })
-  // try to get the file synchronously.
-  const data = cache.getCache()[key]
-  if (data) {
-    logger.debug(`[Files] Resolve from memory: ${key}`)
-    return data
-  }
-  // if synchronously does not work, store the async promise for further requests
-  const promise = (async () => {
-    const bodyKey = getRedisKey({ version, name: `${path}:body` })
-    const metaKey = getRedisKey({ version, name: `${path}:meta` })
-    if (redis.isEnabled()) {
-      const [body, meta = '{}'] = await Promise.all([
-        redis.client.getBuffer(bodyKey),
-        redis.client.get(metaKey)
-      ])
-      if (body) {
-        logger.debug(`[Files] Resolve from redis: ${key}`)
-        fileCacheSizeGauge.inc()
-        return (cache.getCache()[key] = { body, ...JSON.parse(meta) })
-      }
-    }
-    const dataFromServer = await fetchFileWithHeaders({ version, path }).catch(err => {
-      if (err.status !== 404) delete cache.getCache()[key]
-      throw err
-    })
-    if (redis.isEnabled()) {
-      logger.debug(`[Files] Store in redis: ${key}`)
-      const { body, ...rest } = dataFromServer
-      redis.client.set(bodyKey, createWritable(body))
-      redis.client.set(metaKey, JSON.stringify(rest))
-    }
-    // overwrite cache with synchronous data
-    logger.debug(`[Files] Store in memory: ${key}`)
-    fileCacheSizeGauge.inc()
-    return (cache.getCache()[key] = dataFromServer)
-  })()
-  // temporary set to promise
-  cache.getCache()[key] = promise
-  return promise
+  return cache.getFile({ name: path, version }, ({ name: path, version }) => {
+    return fetchFileWithHeaders({ version, path })
+  })