diff --git a/integration/update-version_test.js b/integration/update-version_test.js
index 82475fbadf53e6b474ce8988a77b92c289ab9abe..c1bb9e3d0dc6e32a95600cf905f435ff5fdc7f41 100644
--- a/integration/update-version_test.js
+++ b/integration/update-version_test.js
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ describe('Updates the version', function () {
         '/index.html': () => new Response('<html><head></head><body>it\'s me</body></html>', { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' } }),
         '/meta.json': td.when(td.func()(td.matchers.anything())).thenReturn(
           new Response(JSON.stringify({ commitSha: '1' }), { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }),
+          new Response(JSON.stringify({ commitSha: '2' }), { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }),
           new Response(JSON.stringify({ commitSha: '2' }), { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } })
@@ -46,10 +47,10 @@ describe('Updates the version', function () {
-    const job = await getQueue('update-version').add({})
-    const newVersion = await job.finished()
-    expect(newVersion).to.equal('85102502')
+    // update has only been registered but not executed yet
+    expect(await getQueue('update-version').add({}).then(job => job.finished())).to.equal('85101541')
+    // update is executed with the second iteration
+    expect(await getQueue('update-version').add({}).then(job => job.finished())).to.equal('85102502')
     const responseAfterUpdate = await request(app).get('/index.html')
@@ -66,9 +67,12 @@ describe('Updates the version', function () {
     // need to do this with dynamic import such that the mocked config is used
     await import('../src/create-queues.js').then(({ default: createQueues }) => createQueues())
-    // pause the queue to prevent any further updates
     const queue = getQueue('update-version')
+    let count = 0
     await new Promise(resolve => queue.on('global:completed', (jobId, result) => {
+      // only resolve when the second job has been completed as the "update" job needs to be executed twice
+      if (++count === 1) return
+      // pause the queue to prevent any further updates
diff --git a/spec/file-depencies_test.js b/spec/file-depencies_test.js
index 64a77c3ae80afbb22f6ab98fd02597b310d9de06..b46e50521edb71aa9d08647b792b43f217fa6a36 100644
--- a/spec/file-depencies_test.js
+++ b/spec/file-depencies_test.js
@@ -59,7 +59,11 @@ describe('JS files with dependencies contain events', function () {
-    await import('../src/version.js').then(({ updateVersionProcessor }) => updateVersionProcessor())
+    await import('../src/version.js').then(async ({ updateVersionProcessor }) => {
+      // need to process two times to actually trigger the update
+      await updateVersionProcessor()
+      await updateVersionProcessor()
+    })
     const r2 = await request(app).get('/index.html.js')
diff --git a/spec/meta_test.js b/spec/meta_test.js
index 5b57dd23dc8f86c490c96c4f93c065912e74d2f5..de4a2a8e0f8ba958c2da4befffb0f34574b71d24 100644
--- a/spec/meta_test.js
+++ b/spec/meta_test.js
@@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ describe('Responses contain custom headers', function () {
     config.urls = []
-    await import('../src/version.js').then(({ updateVersionProcessor }) => updateVersionProcessor())
+    await import('../src/version.js').then(async ({ updateVersionProcessor }) => {
+      // need to process two times to actually trigger the update
+      await updateVersionProcessor()
+      await updateVersionProcessor()
+    })
     const response2 = await request(app).get('/meta')
diff --git a/src/version.js b/src/version.js
index 87fe1bd8e91e5782ac18a6d46667ebf48a240c45..87c7eb71a2a624bdd58a13da197a3296d47eb61f 100644
--- a/src/version.js
+++ b/src/version.js
@@ -81,15 +81,19 @@ export async function updateVersionProcessor () {
     const prevProcessedVersion = await redis.client.get(getRedisKey({ name: 'prevProcessedVersion' }))
     // that means, that between the previous update processing and this one, there was no version change
     if (prevProcessedVersion === fetchedVersion) {
+      logger.info('[Version] publish update to other nodes.')
       redis.pubClient.publish(getRedisKey({ name: 'updateLatestVersion' }), fetchedVersion)
       await redis.client.set(getRedisKey({ name: 'latestVersion' }), fetchedVersion)
+      latestVersion = fetchedVersion
     } else {
+      logger.info(`[Version] do not execute update yet. Store version ${fetchedVersion} as previous version.`)
       await redis.client.set(getRedisKey({ name: 'prevProcessedVersion' }), fetchedVersion)
   } else {
     // if redis is disabled, this will only be trigger by a setInterval and not from a redis event
     logger.info('[Version] Clear local cache due to version update.')
+    latestVersion = fetchedVersion
-  return (latestVersion = fetchedVersion)
+  return latestVersion