FOO_VAR_TEST=WULLEWULLE # Set versions per component. # This file will be sourced when calling install scripts. # Change this to "EXT" to setup OX App Suite using repositories at # # Also make sure to adapt the versioning scheme below. AS_REPO_SOURCE=OBS # Change this to "EXT" for a wforce setup using repositories at # Make sure to adapt the versioning scheme below. WF_REPO_SOURCE=OBS # Credentials for restricted OX App Suite repositories at # # AS_USER="<YOUR CUSTOMER USER NAME>" # AS_PASS="<YOUR CUSTOMER USER PASSWORD>" # Credentials for restricted wforce repositories at # WF_USER="<YOUR CUSTOMER USER NAME>" # WF_PASS="<YOUR CUSTOMER USER PASSWORD>" # Different versions/repos per component can be provided. If you don't want to # install a component, just set its version to "" or remove the corresponding line. # When using "EXT" as *_REPO_SOURCE, different versioning schemes may apply (e.g. # "stable" instead of "release-7.10.3") AS_BACKEND_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_FRONTEND_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_FRONTEND_LEGACY_VERSION="" AS_OFFICE_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_OFFICE_FRONTEND_VERSION="release-7.10.3" #AS_OFFICE_COLLABORATION_VERSION="" comes with 7.10.3+ AS_DOCUMENTCONVERTER_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_DOCUMENTCONVERTER_API_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_PDFTOOL_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_READERENGINE_VERSION="release-7.10.3" AS_IMAGECONVERTER_VERSION="" AS_USM_VERSION="" AS_EAS_VERSION="" AS_DRIVE_CLIENT_GENERIC_VERSION="" AS_DRIVE_HELP_VERSION="" AS_GUARD_VERSION="release-2.10.3" AS_DRIVERESTRICTED_VERSION="" AS_WEAKFORCE_VERSION="" AS_EMIG_VERSION="" AS_MOBILE_API_FACADE_VERSION="" AS_CLOUDPLUGINS_VERSION="" WF_VERSION="" # === Dovecot specific settings === # # Installs dovecot 2.3 latest packages from # Switch between Dovecot repositories. # Possible values: # EXT - official dovecot repository ( # INT - internally used repositories (only for dovecot ee from internal locations, you have to set DC_PRO=true) # SNAPSHOT - official dovecot community debian packages built hourly ( ( DC_REPO_SOURCE=EXT DC_VERSION="2.3-latest" ## Install dovecot with provided credentials from offical dovecot PRO repositories # DC_USER="<YOUR CUSTOMER USER NAME>" # DC_PASS="<YOUR CUSTOMER USER PASSWORD>" # DC_REPO_SOURCE=EXT # DC_VERSION="2.3" # DC_PRO=true ## Install dovecot with hourly rebuilt packages from # DC_REPO_SOURCE=SNAPSHOT # DC_VERSION="2.2" # or 2.3 or 2.4 ## Install Dovecot 2.3 enterprise edition (pro, ee) from internal repositories ## User folder names from index page as version # DC_REPO_SOURCE=INT # DC_VERSION="dovecot-nightly-2.3" # DC_PRO=true