> runtime in the browser. Besides serving the information about all resources, this service can
> also function to provide snapshots of all the resources available at a specific point in time.
## Architecture
The ui-middleware is, as the name already suggests, a middleware component to support the App Suite UI.
As an installation of App Suite UI can consist of multiple projects, like the [Core App Suite UI](https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/frontend/ui), [Documents UI]([https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/documents/office-web), [OX Guard UI](https://gitlab.open-xchange.com/appsuite/guard-ui), and other custom plugins, those components need to be combined at some point to be served to the browser.
This is handled by the ui-middleware component, by putting it between the Ingress Controller and the containers serving the individual components that make up the App Suite UI.
If you prefer a picture, this is, how such an installation can look like.