This collection contains several scripts for letting you install a fully fledged Open-Xchange environment.
By default this will install a singlenode environment consisting of:
- Database (mysql or mariadb)
- Open-Xchange middleware
- Database (mysql or mariadb - take a look at the config file)
- Open-Xchange middleware (optionally with guard, documents(including dcs), documentconverter)
- Apache2 Frontend
## Configuration
@@ -11,9 +11,15 @@ By default this will install a singlenode environment consisting of:
Basic Configuration is located inside the file `config/config`.
Most options can be overriden by using each shell-scripts parameters (sometimes described in the help text)
## Context configuration
You can configure the context that will be created later on by either modifying the existing qa env (`config/environment/qa`) or creating your own env folder (copy the qa folder and modify the two files accordingly).
In case of creating your own environment you have to manually call `config/environment/ --environment <foobar>` since the qa context is currently hardcoded in case it is enabled in the config.
### Docker configuration
The docker configuration is located at `docker/config` and will override values from the above default config.
The docker configuration is located at `docker/<env>/config` and will override values from the above default config.
You may also override config by providing environmental variables.
## Versions
@@ -23,8 +29,12 @@ Check that file for more information.
### Database versions
By modifying the DATABASE_TYPE and DATBASE_VERSION variables (`config/config`) you can manually specify which database type and version to use.
Currently supported are mysql and mariadb in all versions as listed on the support matrix
By modifying the DATABASE_TYPE and DATBASE_VERSION variables (located in `config/config`) you can manually specify which database type and version to use.
Currently supported are mysql and mariadb in all versions as listed on the support matrix in the oxpedia.
The installer will also take care of the required "ox-tunings" as described in the oxpedia (
The file is currently located at `config/database/ox-tunings.cnf` and will simply be copied to the sql-servers configuration folder.
## Good to know
@@ -75,20 +85,19 @@ Take a look at the docker-compose.yml at the root level of this repo.
### Build docker images
The installer script can be used as it is for docker environments. Take a look into the docker/ directory for some examples.
You can configure these environments by editing the 'docker/<env>/config' file (e.g. docker/singlenode/config).
In order to build an singlenode image execute the build script:
You can configure these environments by editing the `docker/<env>/config` file (e.g. docker/singlenode/config).
The singlenode image can be build by executing docker-composes build action:
`$ docker/ --singlenode`
`$ docker-compose build `
This will automatically install OX App Suite, Guard, Documents (including documents collaboration) and the documentconverter server.
The image will be tagged with the `AS_BACKEND_VERSION`-variable (setup/versions) and the `latest` tag on each build.
The image will be tagged with the `latest` tag on each rebuild...
### Start it
If you have docker-compose available you can use it to start the provided compose-environment, but make sure to be in the correct directory.
`$ cd <repo>/docker/singlenode`
`$ docker-compose up`
Any runtime related files will be stored at `<repo>/docker/<env>/.runtime` (e.g. <repo>/docker/singlenode/.runtime)
@@ -99,4 +108,4 @@ Any runtime related files will be stored at `<repo>/docker/<env>/.runtime` (e.g.