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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.8.2
    60cfdd7f · Release 0.8.2 ·
    Release: Release 0.8.2
    Release 0.8.2
  • v0.8.2-1
    200b3507 · v0.8.2-1 ·
  • v0.8.2-0
    a5783d13 · v0.8.2-0 ·
  • v0.8.1
    0f846358 · v0.8.1 ·
    Release: Release v0.8.1
  • v0.8.0
    1703cd71 · v0.8.0 ·
    Release: Release v0.8.0
  • v0.7.1
    1584bc02 · v0.7.1 ·
  • v0.7.0 Release: Release v0.7.0
  • v0.6.2
    a2730539 · bump version ·
    Release: v0.6.2
    Release v.0.6.2
    * implement setMailQuota for reseller users (thanks @joeran.kuschel and @youssef.benabdalla)
    * improve clickToolbar helper (support svg icons) (thanks @maik.schaefer)
  • v0.6.1 Release: v0.6.1
    Release 0.6.1
    * fix problem with soap client and error handling in promises (bluebird vs. native promises)
  • v0.6.0
    5325eb07 · Release v0.6.0 ·
    Release: v0.6.0
    Release v0.6.0
    * update to CodeceptJS@3, make sure to follow the upgrade guide (thanks @maik.schaefer)
    * allow configuration of mail server related settings for project tests (not relevant for external projects) (thanks @martin.hollmichel)
  • v0.5.5
    5626f41c · Release v0.5.5 ·
    Release: v0.5.5
    Release v0.5.5
    * allow to specify a context node for selectFolder helper (thanks @anne.matthes)
  • v0.5.4
    d7ef7a34 · release version 0.5.4 ·
    Release: v0.5.4
    release v0.5.4
    * fix partitioning creating more partitions than initially requested
  • v0.5.3
    060afee0 · release 0.5.3 ·
    Release: v0.5.3
    Release v0.5.3
    * fix filter report for the first test of a suite that failed in before function (thanks @maik.schaefer)
    * add small extra tool to output all failed tests from a filter report (thanks @maik.schaefer)
    * make e2e test more robust (thanks @maik.schaefer)
  • v0.5.2
    6c8cb1e5 · prepare 0.5.2 release ·
    Release: v0.5.2
    Release v0.5.2
    * fix hasConfig for contexts when no userAttributes are available, yet (thanks @maik.schaefer for the fix)
    * remove hard-coded credentials for context creation (thanks @maik.schaefer for the fix)
    * more robust selector for topbar account dropdown (thanks @frank.paczynski)
  • v0.5.1 Release: v0.5.1
    Release v0.5.1
    * correctly handle changed error messages of cloud-plugins when creating contexts
    * minor e2e test fix + codeceptjs upgrade
  • v0.5.0
    cb90a436 · Prepare v0.5.0 release ·
    Release: v0.5.0
    a.k.a. the OX “Cloud ready” release
    * [beta] add alternative provisioning using the Reseller SOAP API of the MW (incl. OX Cloud Plugins)
        * implement the same interface as for the current provisioning modules (users, contexts)
        * additionally some extra support like hasTaxonomy for contexts
        * this is currently meant as a preview/beta release, so there might be breaking changes to this API in the (near) future
    * add hasConfig API for contexts (thanks @joeran.kuschel for initial implementation)
    * **breaking** `Context#create` and `User#create` now always return fresh contexts/users (thanks @bjoern.koester for the inspiration)
        * in case, the item already exists, a new id will be "guessed" and a fresh item is created instead
        * to re-use existing items, there now is a `reuse` function, which works very similar to create but expects the item to be present
    * provisioning hooks for users and contexts
        * it's now possible to register event handlers on certain hooks like “user created” or “context removed”.
    * **breaking** remove `prefix` option from login helper
        * the mock part of appserver is considered deprecated and existing code should be ported to [MockRequest helper](
    * add `User#login` getter function as unified interface to get login credentials
    * **breaking** remove haveCapability/dontHaveCapability helpers, those have been part of users/contexts API for quite some time
    * improvements to the filterSuite plugin
        * better distribution when calculating partitions
        * better handling of disabled tests when calculating partitions
    * improve login helper timing (thanks @daniel.dickhaus for the the idea and initial implementation)
        * the UI is considered “finished booting”, after the busy spinner animation goes away
    * improve logout actor by waiting for navigation instead of “well-known” elements which might not be available in certain scenarios
    * consider `global.codecept_dir` variable for relative file references (better compatibility with CodeceptJS upstream helpers)
    * improvements to haveSettings helper when using multiple MW nodes
        * there still is room for improvement but at least we try to end up on the same node with all clients in use (nodejs + browser)
        * currently synchronizes the JSESSIONID cookie to use the same node for all clients during a test
    * fix broken sessions for getSessionForUser by checking for a working session first and doing a relogin if needed
    * more robust way to determine filestorage id for contexts (thanks @joeran.kuschel)
  • v0.4.2
    4af59a92 · prepare release ·
    Release: v0.4.2
    Release 0.4.2
    some minor additions (needed for fixing bugs downstream)
    * add API to configure module access (permissions vs. capabilities vs. config)
    * add hasAlias functions to User class (simplify API a little)
  • v0.4.1
    fe0fdbb8 · prepare 0.4.1 release ·
    Release: v0.4.1
    Release 0.4.1
    * improve aria-label (~) selector, now uses “beginsWith” to find the element
    * fix provisioning problem with unexpected data in SOAP objects
  • v0.4.0
    4a801bcb · bump version to 0.4.0 ·
    Release: v0.4.0
    Release 0.4.0
    a.k.a. test suite filtering release
    * add filterSuite plugin which can be used to only run parts of a larger test suite
        * brings a partitioning feature which can split up a large test suite into smaller chunks
            taking into account the duration of tests from historic information to determine a close
            to optimal (in terms of runtime) distribution of all tests into the chunks.
        * reports runtime information as well as current state information
        * merge multiple reports into one large history report which can be used as input for the partitioning feature
        * this should be considered “alpha” status, so the API might change in upcoming releases. It's ready for
            consumption but if it turns out that the API is not good enough, we'd like to have the liberty to change it.
    * fix problem with unwanted data in SOAP provisioning leading to failing SOAP requests
    * preparitions for multiple provisioning implementations (split out provisioning from actual test runs)
    * add well known SOAP errors to a blacklist which will not lead to retries when using executeSoapRequest
    * executeSoapRequest has been moved to `@open-xchange/codecept-helper/src/util` module, so it does not
        need a support object any longer. This allows it to use this outside of the scope of a test, like
        in bootstrap or teardown functions.
    * allow custom versions of axe-core library provided by codecept configuration
    * some code cleanup and test stabilisation
  • v0.3.0 Release: v0.3.0
    release 0.3.0
    a.k.a. the Puppeteer release
    * most prominent feature is support for the puppeteer backend of CodeceptJS (yay to all people involved over the past months \o/)
    * stability improvements for helpers own test suite.
        Still a little shaky, sometimes but a huge step forward.
    * fix injection of helper methods into `I` object. Sometimes CodeceptJS did not pick up the correct method and used the default implementation
        instead of a custom one.
    * mobile support Puppeteer (tap and emulation) (thanks @greg.hill)
    * add cryptoAction parameter to I.haveFile to allow for Guard uploads (thanks @greg.hill)
    * Introduce grabAxeReport helper for webdriverio and puppeteer (has been living and used in App Suite project for quite a while)
    * improvements to clickToolbar helper (thanks @maik.schaefer)
    * fix clickToolbar after app change
    * improve selectFolder helper (thanks @maik.schaefer and @anne.matthes)
    * allow to pass arbitrary user fields to users.create (thanks @anne.matthes)